Different Types of Cremains Containers
If you were asked what is the definition of an urn you might respond with “a container that holds the ashes of someone who was cremated”. That is a reasonable and fairly accurate response. What, however, if you were asked to DESCRIBE an urn? How would you describe one? Many…...
Why Empathy is Important in Life
We’ve spent some time recently talking about sympathy and empathy. To recap, sympathy is often described as something you express while empathy is more of something you feel. We’ve touched upon the three types of empathy, Cognitive, Emotive and Compassionate. Cognitive is the recognition or understanding that another is suffering,…...
Why Has Cremation Risen in Popularity?
While cremation traces its history to ancient times, the modern cremation chamber wasn’t invented until 1873. It wasn’t until 13 years later that the first cremation chamber was used in the United States, in Washington, Pennsylvania. While these chambers made cremation more efficient, the process still lagged far behind traditional…...
How to Comfort Loved Ones Experiencing Grief
At the Cremation Society of Greater Cincinnati, many of the questions we receive are related to grief. What should be said to someone who is grieving? Are there subjects that should be avoided? How does someone comfort a loved one experiencing grief? Like so many aspects of life, there is…...
What Is a Cremation Society?
It may not be surprising that one of the most frequently asked questions we get at the Cremation Society of Northern Kentucky is “What is a cremation society?” You may also wonder what are the benefits of using them, what services are offered and how do they differ from a…...
Is Cremation Bad for the Environment?
At the Cremation Society of Greater Cincinnati, it is our mission to promote the benefits of cremation while educating those who would like more information about the process. Even though cremation has become more popular than traditional funerals and burials, there are still many misperceptions and questions about cremations. Many…...
Best and Creative Ways to Use or Disperse of Ashes Following Cremation
It used to be pretty straight forward. Once a loved one was cremated, the ashes or cremains were usually kept by a spouse or family member in an urn, buried in the family plot, or dispersed at sea or in a forest. As the popularity of cremation has grown in…...
Memorial Services For Families Who Choose Cremation
Even though cremation has become more popular over the last few decades (more than 50% of final services now include cremation), misperceptions still persist. One of the biggest misperceptions is perhaps that final services aren’t as meaningful when cremation is chosen. That is simply not the case. In fact, many…...
What Can I Expect with a Celebration of Life Ceremony?
A celebration of life is a way friends and family can gather to remember the life of a loved one. It is less somber than a traditional funeral service and is generally designed to be more uplifting than a solemn funeral service. Certainly, celebrations of life will have their moments…...
Guide to a Cremation Ceremony
With the growing popularity of cremations, it is increasingly likely you may find yourself either attending or planning a final ceremony that involves cremation. What are the differences between a traditional funeral and one involving a cremation? What would a memorial service look like and would dress and etiquette for…...